Business Verification

As of September 2022, every business/individual must be verified in order to send messages.

Your messages will be delivered as "unverified" or remain "pending".


Go to verification > Create Verification

  • Choose Business or individual 
  • Click next

  • Click add information

  • Add Business Information
    • Business Name: Company Name or Trading business name
    • Contact Name: Company contact name. Guni team will call the person for verification and future communication
    • Business Address: Company registered offer address
    • Contact Number: Company contact number.
    • Website Address: Company-valid website
    • Email Address: Company contact person's email address
    • Use cases: Provide use-cases for your business while sending messages
      • Marketing
      • One Time Password 
      • Transactional Alerts (Reminders, Scheduling. Balances etc)
      • Internal communication
      • Notifications
      • Conversational
      • Other (please describe)
    • Click Next

  • Click Add information

  • Tick - Confirmation
  • Click Preview
    Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 11.16.25 pm
  • Click submit

    Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 11.16.45 pm

  • Verification has been submitted for review.

Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 11.18.21 pm

  • Status
    • Approved: Team approved the verification request after reviewing the provided details
    • Rejected: We will reject the verification if you provide wrong and incomplete information.