Connect Gunisms with your Zapier account

Guni provides easy-to-use integration using Zapier.


1. Install Guni Zapier App ( click below button & install app)

  • Log in to your Zapier account.

Accept Zapier application

Click on the link to accept Zapier integration

2. Create Zap

  • Click left corner > Create



  • Enter the Zap name : “Automation – Guni SMS
  • Click Trigger 

Here is example of Shopify

  • You need a Sender :
    • Select  Sender ID from the list.  Following are the option for sender IDs
      • Shared number  - Free numbers of the pool. A shared number pool is used by other customers. The system assigned the number to your message and removed after some hours.
      • Dedicated number  -  It is a unique phone number for a specific business and it is exclusively for your use and involves a monthly subscription fee.
      • Business Name -  Add your brand name as the sender and get your audience excited. You can add up to 11 characters.
      • Own number - You can use your number. This is the number that you account verification.
  • Receiver
  • Message


  • Select Event > Send Quick SMS


  • Continue

  • Sender: Your Virtual number

  • Receiver:  Customer number ( search phone )


  • Write message: Compose the message here and add the cart URL ( search abandoned checkout URL )


  • Test the message


  • Publish the Zap