Get SMS replies in Google Sheet

You get your SMS replies in Google sheet super easy

Let's see how you can connect Google Sheets with Gunisms to get replies.


  • Go to Integration:
    • Go to Google Sheet > Click connect
    • Copy : and click next

  • Go to Google Sheet
    • Share the sheet with Guni - account :
      1. Paste :
      2. Select Editor
      3. Click Send

    • Click Share Anyway

  • Copy Google Sheet URL

  • Go back to Gunisms Integrations:
    • Click Next

  • Paste Google Sheet URL and click Verify

  • You will see a green tick icon when Google Sheets connects to your Guni account.

  • You will start getting responses in Google Sheet
    • Guni will create new date tabs.
    • A response will include:
      • Sender
      • Receiver
      • Name
      • Message
      • Time


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