Messages Delivery Status

Message status depends on the network & handset

Status: Message Delivery status:

    1. Queue - messages in this status are currently in the process of being sent. They've been sent to the messaging gateway, but the recipient's carrier's response has yet to be received.
    2. Sent - messages in this status have been successfully sent to the intended recipients.
    3. Failed - messages in this status have been passed to the gateway, but the recipient's carrier did not acknowledge the successful delivery of the message to the end recipient. 
    4. Rejected - the message was passed to the messaging gateway but was rejected by either the gateway (typically) or the recipient's carrier. 
    5. Blocked - Message stopped at Guni level, as the number is part of opt-out.
    6. Delivered - Messages that have been successfully delivered to the intended recipients
    7. Aborted - Message was aborted before reaching the SMS
    8. Dispatched - Message has been dispatched and accepted for delivery by the SMSC.
    9. Expired - Message expired means user mobile is out-of-coverage for long time..
    10. Unknown - Message was delivered to the SMSC but no Delivery Receipt has been received or a Delivery Receipt that couldn't be interpreted was received