Send SMS from Zoho - Workflow

Automate SMS from Zoho Workflow

Zoho Integration – Workflow


Go to Zoho Click > Setup

Click Automation > Actions

Click > Webhook > Configure Webhook

Fill the webhook form:

Name : Guni SMS Workflow – welcome SMS

Method : Get

URL to Notify:

Authorization: General

Module : Leads/Contact/Account

Choose as per your requirements. Here, we are showing SMS workflow with Leads

Add URL parameters:

leadid > Leads > Lead ID

contact > Leads > Mobile

If you need to send Personalization, you can add an extra parameter here. Please use field without space. Example – name or first_name

Add custom parameters:

Message: Message you want to send( Add personalization parameter here Send SMS from Zoho - Workflow)

Token: Guni SMS API token – generate token – gunisms/integration

Click Save

Click > Workflow


Click > Create Rule



Click > Create Rule

Click > Module Select > Leads > Rule Name > Next

Select > Record Action


Edit is used only foe demonstrate. You free to choose any other action

Click Next

Add condition > Next

Instant Actions or Schedule

Select Webhook > New created Gunisms Webhook

Click Save